
Son Güncelleme:

25/04/2022 - 15:01

Guidelines for Exhibition Application

The use of the Culture and Convention Center for exhibition organizations is subject to the following conditions:

1.Institutions and/or persons who wish to organize an exhibition apply to the CCC with a petition and portfolio. The written application must include the following information.

a.Name of the event

b.Date of the event

c.Time of the event

d.Organizing person/unit/institution

e.Contact information


g.Details about catering services

2.Applications along with the "Evaluation Form” are submitted to the Art Commission by CCC.

3.Applications are evaluated by the "Art Commission". In case of acceptance, institution/person donates one of the three works which will be selected by METU, to the METU Art Collection. The right of publication of the donated work belongs to METU.

4.Design and publication of banners and invitations for the exhibition belong to institutions and/or persons. For all printed materials, METU's approval is obtained and the METU Logos are placed in accordance with the principles in the METU Corporate Identity Guide.

5.The duration of the exhibition should not be less than 7 days and more than 21 days.

6.The transportation, placement, insurance and packaging of the exhibition materials belong to the institutions and/or persons organizing the event.

7.It is the responsibility of the institutions and/or persons organizing the exhibition to have a security officer in charge for the protection and safety of the works.

8.CCC provides 220V, 75 kW electricity, general ventilation and cleaning services to the exhibition area during the exhibition hours.

9.Technical equipment is provided by CCC. Audio-visual and lighting systems that are not available in CCC are provided by the institutions and/or persons organizing the exhibition.

10.Written and visual materials are placed in areas deemed appropriate by CCC.

11.Before each exhibition organization, a contract is signed between the institutions/persons and CCC; that includes the hall fee, the use of technical equipment and other terms of use.